I think people expected me to just enter the job market and
they were more than willing to give me advice on how to do so. Little did they
know that in the back of my mind I was completely unsure about that dive head
first approach. I remember feeling anxious and sometimes so nervous I would get
nauseous and overwhelmed when people even brought the future up, despite that,
few people knew this. I had to ponder why I would have these negative feelings,
and I realized it was because I wasn’t ready for the next step. The thought of
working full-time was unappealing, and I wanted to continue being a student.
Maybe at first it was for silly reasons. I didn’t want to
let go of the student life. During this semester I developed “graduation
glasses” (think How I Met Your Mother) and I started
feeling sentimental about everything Western (UWO) and London, I even started getting
teary-eyed at the thought of not having to walk in the pouring rain across
campus or having to take the LTC as my method of transportation. These
unpleasant instances became treasures to me that I didn’t want to let go of. I
was not ready to let go.
That all changed after my first two days of classes in
second semester when something inside me imploded and I realized, “I am over
it!” I grew frustrated with my classes and motivation dwindled. I was ready to
get this year done and over with so I could move on to the next step in my
life. Thankfully at this point I had already made the decision to apply to
postgraduate PR programs at the end of my first semester, another important
decision for me!

After much deliberation in February 2012, I decided I would
go to Mohawk College for my PR program. It came down to the idea of gaining
employable skills; and everyone knows that colleges are known for teaching
skills more than theory. I was ready to move away from theory and the huge and
pricey textbooks that lead to endless nights of readings and memorization.
I think people were confused by my decision and a lot of the
responses I got were that I was “going backwards”. In my mind, with education
you can never go backwards as long as you are using the education for a purpose
and future goal. Not to mention post-graduate programs often build on the
knowledge you gained in your university degree. After months I finally managed
to convince my mom of this, and I became excited to start this chapter in my
life. Back to Hamilton for a year, and back to school. Sometimes, when you are
not ready to tackle the world, school is there to pick you up off the ground
and give your life new direction.
Mohawk has a PR blog as well, where you can check out what me and my classmates are blogging about regards to the program.
P.S. I am a nerd, so I love school and I love PR.
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